After the heavy series on “How I see the Future of Living”, I want to start this series on Human Psychology.
In our education system we would have studied every thing starting from learning numbers to history to computers. But not the most most important subject – Human Psychology. We some how get a feeling that this area may be for some one having psychological issues or disorders and not for us !!. And since we don’t know what is happening inside we reach out to Gurus, Astrologers, Psychologists, Experts and depend on Spouse/Friends/Parents, etc. Because this subject is like a puzzle for us.
While we are progressing at rapid speed on technology side, I don’t think we have built enough expertise to know basic human psychology. Why this is important?. Lack of understanding of human psychology (own and others) is the root of all major issues – starting from fight with your neighbor to war with neighboring country. Most issues can be solved with good understanding of psychology. Even if you can’t solve world problems at least you will be able to solve your own !!.
As usual disclaimer – I am not expert or have special education in this area. But have enough experiences. So I will share what I know.
Stay tuned for an interesting series..