Just thinking what should I write next series? For a change, I just want to pick up different topics on this “Why.” series. These whys could be from any area. For e.g. Why we pick up some new habit (eating too much food) once we quit (smoking) old habit or Why we follow some Babas or Gurus blindly?
Now in this introduction, I want to distill all 100s of complex life theories on “purpose of live” to “self-realization” to “Success”, etc into a very very simple concept. Of course, this is my view. Theory can be anything and logic can be anything…ultimately, we do everything for simple TWO REASONS.
ONE – To Feel Good
TWO – To avoid Pain
That’s it. You can test this against all the theories/religions/philosophies. Bottom line is we simply do either to feel good or avoid pain.
Of course, there area levels and qualities of “Feel Good” and “Pain”. This is altogether another subject. I have my own theory called – “Happiness ROI”. Will blog on this later.
Coming back to this “Why” series…while the broad concept is very clear (at least is for me), there are many many things we do and many times we may not know why we are doing certain things.