Turning good entrepreneurs into great ones by harnessing disruptive talents, transforming decision-making, and instilling true productivity.

The entrepreneur of the present has to be ready for anything. Are you?

Good to Disruptively Great Made Possible

Chances are, you already know everything you need to be a good entrepreneur. You have the technical knowledge, the business wisdom, and the willingness to take risks others won't. But is this enough to stay ahead of the curves of disruption? Is it enough to be truly great?

We have good news. Although every entrepreneur is brilliantly unique, you already have a gene for disruption. Our job is to decode that gene, unleash your natural strengths, and align them with your vision and values. Oh, and to transform your understanding your productivity and hard-wire sound decision-making. So you have a lot less stress and a lot more fun!

Whew! Does this sound like a lot? Don't worry- our confidence stems from years of learning and innovation. And here's a secret. We are able to move past conventional thinking because we share your disruptive gene too. We know what it's like- both the ups and the downs. Join us and our thriving entrepreneurial community to grow faster than you ever thought was possible.

2mm shift Business v2

Decode Your Unique Entrepreneurial Genius

No generic tools or tricks. Only sustainable science-backed strategies.

The world doesn't need entrepreneurs who think alike. Problems are solved creatively and value is generated where it was not thought possible, when entrepreneurs play to their strengths. Discover your gifts, inculcate the right habits, and boost your productivity.

Grow Rapidly with 3° Shifts in Thinking

Hard-wire effective models of thinking. Eliminate self-limiting patterns.

We turn ``think different`` from a catch-phrase into a step-by-step process you can use to harness your ultimate entrepreneurial potential. You'll remove limiting blockers and learn decision-making skills that will act as templates for growth well into the future.

Do You Need Entrepreneurial Strategy?

It is a No-Brainer for Faster and Better Results



More than a dozen proprietary tools that help you scientifically chart your course and track your progress.



Each entrepreneurial pillar is covered in depth, with every aspect in tandem with your overall vision.



You are never alone. In a supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs, your learning is boosted and help is a message away.

Is Neo Entrepreneur Coaching Right For You?

It is the go-to for ambitious entrepreneurs with a big vision

A Great Fit If

  • You own a business or are looking to transition from a career
  • You have a big vision
  • You are see challenges as opportunities and are open to trying new things

A Poor Fit If

  • You are looking for personal coaching or need an accountability partner
  • You only want to learn business fundamentals
  • You are uncomfortable with innovation and radical thinking

Answers do not solve problems. The right questions do.

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