In todays busy world, we often hear the words like “stressed out”, “overwhelmed” , “too many things to do”, “exhausted”, ” getting worry/anxious”, “under achievement” …etc list goes on..I some how think all these are indirectly kind of synonym for one thing ..that is = > “NOT PRODUCTIVE ENOUGH”. Most of us are dealing with this problem.
I had completed the previous series on LIFE PRODUCTIVITY which is a kind of core pillar of the productivity. You must read this series without fail for you to be able to appreciate this new series on DECODING PRODUCTIVITY. As I said earlier, while I was writing the LIFE PRODUCTIVITY series, I realised that I need to write the holistic and in detail about PRODUCTIVITY. There are hundreds of books written on this topic all over the world. And now we have hundreds of apps in this area. All these are dealing is actually very tip of the iceberg – just TASK BASED PRODUCTIVITY. Basically this is about how many tasks can you do in given amount of time. TASK BASED PRODUCTIVITY originated in the Industrial Age. We are moving much much rapidly into the world of Digital/Automation/AI based world. And the whole world of freelancers and cheaper labour/sourcing options are becoming available through just few apps..So technically many of the tasks can be automated or outsourced. So what YOU need to do then? Where you need to FOCUS? In fact these are very IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. Reflect deeply.
Prioritisation, To-do lists, time trackers, 4 quadrant time management plans, etc all still required but also kind of OUT DATED..or will be OUT DATED.
You need CUTTING EDGE approach to productivity. This series attempt is to DECODE PRODUCTIVITY in simplified way so that you can deal with all the above synonyms with much more effectively. Follow this series to know the answers.