What comes to your mind when you hear the. word ” Productivity”?. To do lists, tasks, on time projects, accomplishments, time management, etc…what comes to your mind?. There are thousands of the books, tools, frameworks and philosophies on this topic. Most of them deal with task efficiencies, time management, planners and prioritisation. While these are important these are only at surface level touching only 10% of the depth. How does it really matter how many tasks did you complete?
Lets shift the gears now… What if you are super efficient at task completion but suffering with low esteem? How much productive do you feel internally? What if you have achieved super success but every minute you are insecure insider? And lets say you are living your life for other sake (for parents, society, xyz), how do you measure your life productivity?. Or lets say you are super efficient (mostly not possible) at your job but your passion lies some where else. Then how do you measure your productivity?
Sum of all our life activities should contribute to your life overall happiness. How much of your activities contribute to your life productivity? Shift the focus from tasks, plans and priorities to life productivity/happiness then you will the get real idea about what is important and what is not important.
The real productivity blockers and boosters are far different from what we have been told and taught so far. When we see things from new percpective you get different insight. You can look life from new dimension.