Without further explanation or dragging, let me take you into the crux of the topic. Based on all my understanding and observations I came up with this PYRAMID. For me, this concept solves the puzzle of whole productivity. I always felt that TASK based PRODUCTIVITY is INCOMPLETE. I did not knew the answer earlier. And at the same time all the Philosophers & Spiritual leaders talks about some what related to LIFE PRODUCTIVITY. Unfortunate thing is when someone is talking about LIFE PRODUCTIVITY they completely ignore TASK PRODUCTIVITY and vs versa. Point is we NEED BOTH.
Further, I was not very much satisfied with extreme sides of TASK and LIFE alone. LIFE PRODUCTIVITY is nature driven nothing is specific to an individual really. TASK PRODUCTIVITY is operational in nature. There has to be SPECIFIC to Individual Human being. That is when it struck to my mind about “STRENGTH BASED” PRODUCTIVITY.
Is it proven that there are only 3 layers of productivity? Not at all. You can build your own Pyramid. Attempt here is to make you aware about OVERALL PRODUCTIVITY. Once you get the base idea hopefully you will appreciate the HOLISTIC PRODUCTIVITY approach. Then you can expand or enhance the Pyramid based on your own experiences and needs.
We will PEEL all the 3 layers of PRODUCTIVITY in the coming blogs…Until then, reflect and share your feedback on this approach. Hopefully you will find it as NEO..PRODUCTIVITY..