One of the origin theory about ADHD says lack of love results in ADHD. Whether this is true or not, most ADHD people are sensitive in nature and good hearted. But the problem comes with Dopamine. Here is what happens when ADHD person starts a new relationship. At first relationship looks and feels very exciting because of new dopamine. Once the initial dopamine tapers off then you start getting bored. Then keep moving to some other relationship. This loop continues. Obviously, this may not be the case in countries like India due to social stigma but very much possible in most western countries. The point is about how low Dopamine place a very brutal role in relationships. But 99% of the people are not aware what drive this relationship behavior. When I am talking about relationships it includes all kinds of relationships.
ADHD would be a strength if you are starting if you are an entrepreneur and you can become a serial entrepreneur (very proudly) by starting new venture after getting bored with exiting one. But you can not/should become a serial relationship builder. You will get hurt and others as well.
So what is the solution?. First step is self awareness. Knowing what is driving this behavior. Then very importantly you need to choose a partner or friend with high nurturing and patience. Remember ADHD people needs lots and lots of appreciation and love. If you get into nurturing relationships then you get into the positive side of ADHD.
Bottom line – Choose a nurturing and caring partner. This will produce more dopamine and you will not look for next relationship.