“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear” -George Addair
We can now understand why innovation will soon become the new industrialization. This means that it will be basic and essential in every aspect of human life everywhere- be it at the level of an individual, a business or even an entire political system. Even though innovation has always been a part of the development of civilization, in the future it will look very different because of what I termed ‘Innovation Proliferation’. Basically, every innovation will fuel ten other innovations and those ten will fuel a hundred others. So the next generation will experience a very different kind of life on this planet, or indeed, on other planets. What was science fiction will become reality.
There are always downsides to any extreme development. One of the downsides could be that some jobs will be replaced by AI, Automation, etc. But we will have to face these kinds of side effects. You have to remember that wherever there is a problem, there is the potential for innovation. Job losses will certainly trigger innovation at the level of public and economic policies. This is how the disruptive- innovative cycle will continue. I think advancement in any direction first goes to its peak and then takes what I call a 1/4th U Turn (you can read more on my blog.) So you shouldn’t worry about “too much advancement”. I firmly believe our future is safe if we continue to innovate.
To conclude, I want to re-emphasize that innovation will become a must for everyone and what is now fancy will become routine very soon. So innovate and experience its thrill while it is hot!