So far we talked about – what is ADHD, what are the main negatives and strengths, what causes it, Dopamine, etc. Now lets look at how ADHD is Diagnosed?
I am not a Doctor so obviously I do not know all possible available diagnosis methods, etc. But what I know very well is that there is NO real foolproof method for diagnosing ADHD. Even if you go to the most experienced ADHD doctor (very less in India) what they do is basic symptom based questionnaire and inquiring on family history, etc. In my personal view, the BEST Diagnosis is self diagnosis supported by qualified Doctors diagnosis. Why?. Because person with ADHD would exactly know what happens in his/her mind and which is not very well understood by other people. Only two ADHD people can understand each other and correlate well. Do you know most interesting thing?. The best ADHD Doctors and ADHD Coaches have ADHD !!. This is the basic criteria to understand full spectrum of ADHD. Half knowledge about anything is dangerous and it is more so in case of ADHD. Because it is very easy to write off saying “Everybody is having ADHD symptoms now a days, etc”. This is not correct. While everyone might be having distractions, what comes with ADHD is very different.
So, in summary – 1) Do not make your own assessments/judgement about ADHD people, if you do not have ADHD. This is best help you can do !!. 2 ) Of course, take qualified doctor help in formal diagnosis but equally learn a lot of ADHD and get fully equipped. This will solve 70% of the problem.
There is so much of information available on ADHD online. I refer to the Dr Hallowell website. Refer to the below site on ADHD Diagnosis and other useful information.