In the last lesson, we have discussed about the about the key BLOCKERS & BOOSTERS of Mind Productivity.
Today, lets start with the BLOCKERS of Mind Productivity. First and most important one is LOW SELF ESTEEM. Are you thinking of how LOW SELF ESTEEM is linked with Mind Productivity?. It is very much linked. Let me explain it. You must first understand what LOW SELF ESTEEM means. I had written about LOW SELF ESTEEM earlier under a different series. Read about it =>
In very simple words, LOW SELF ESTEEM means firmly you believing that “I AM NOT GOOD ENOUGH”. This is just ENOUGH for a person to get killed for entire life no matter what how successful he/she is outside. Again, how is this linked with Mind Productivity? When a person is having LOW SELF ESTEEM, this person will be thinking constantly about – what others thinking about me, comparing him/her vs with others, living under assumptions and exaggerations , etc. Feeling low confidence, trying to IMPRESS OTHERS and not able to say NO, etc…are just hall marks of LOW SELF ESTEEM. What will happen to your Mind Productivity when your mind is filled with this garbage? You know the answer. LOW SELF ESTEEM is one the biggest problem many people are battling with. Are you one of them? Good news is you can build your SELF ESTEEM and hence you can improve Mind Productivity as well.
Currently how much PRODUCTIVITY LOSS are you incurring due to LOW SELF ESTEEM ( if you have). Can you give you approximate %? If it is 0% then fantastic and move on…