Whole crux of “Mind Productivity” is to be able to do DEEP WORK. All the BOOSTERS like Mindfulness,Positive emotions and Healthy body would facilitate DEEP WORK. What is DEEP WORK and why DEEP WORK?
Even though the concept of “DEEP WORK” is old and people kind of knew about it, CAL NEWPORT is the one who brought this concept into limelight at the right distracted world !!. CAL NEWPORT is an associate professor of computer science at Georgetown University.
Deep work is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. We discussed earlier about different MIND PRODUCTIVITY BLOCKERS like Multi Tasking and Distractibility. Deep work is the antidote for these BLOCKERS. Why it is so important in the current age and beyond? This is the era of specialisation and end of general & peripheral work. One end we have high distractibility and on other end only specialisation gets rewarded. For peripheral subject google is the source. Any one can talk or do basic stuff by known things from google. What differentiates is the “depth” of a subject. Out of thousands and millions only few gets attention. Those are the ones who does DEEP WORK. Period.
Few examples – When you are building a product, you need go deep into all aspects of vertically and that is how your provide valuable product to your clients. When you are building subjects matter expertise the more deep you get in the more you get valued.
Basic difference is about touching subjects peripheral vs going deep. Deep work will be your most secret competitive advantage. id you understand it and use it well !!. For this you need to train your brain to be able to focus longer periods vertically deep. DEEP WORK book is a good read for you to to understand this subject deeply.
DEEP WORK is the DIFFERENTIATOR – for individuals and enterprises !!. Measure your current DEEP WORK capacity and improve from there…