Any innovation without implementation will become simply just an idea or theoretical framework. When you get the original idea you feel “aha” movement. Later it will become “oho” moment when we get into implementation part. I am not sure how this will be in an incubation center kind of environment but in a large corporate set up and startup it will be very challenging. But in all areas one thing common is – we need to take the idea, experiment and go into unknown territories and make it a success.
When you come up with an idea lot of people come to you to hear you out then once you start facing the challenges people will move away. So like any entrepreneur type journey you will become lonely at some point. But when you start seeing some success all people will try to join you the party and try to take piece of your cake. This is especially more prominent in large corporate setups.
I strongly feel real Innovator = Entrepreneur. You will be given small fund for implementing your idea and then you will be put under tremendous pressure to show the results and profits. At one point you will get a feeling that why the heck did I come up with this idea !!. Idea can change life but you wouldn’t expect this way !!. So point is any real innovation is an entrepreneurial journey. So if you prepared to take some knockouts and still stand up then will get a taste of it. Otherwise Innovation will look like a beautiful lady with hard heart inside !!