Solution # 22 – RE-WRITE YOUR STORY
We continuously tell stories to ourselves. Just observe how many stories you tell yourself in a single day. Stories get formed through our beliefs, experience and emotions. Unfortunately these stories are most often negative stories – why you can’t do certain things because of .blah blah blah… Most successful people would visualize and tell optimistic stories and that is why they their stories becomes realities. Same thing happens for negative story tellers, i.e they their negative stories are prove to be true.
You can use the “Journaling” solution to write down story and you would realize that your story would look like story. Write your negative story to positive one if you want to conquer your fear. Also, some of the main stories would be inherited (from parents, friends, environment, etc) ones. Don’t believe in others stories and delete others stories from your library. Focus on re-writing your own stories.
What are your stories? Share your experience on how you are changing your stories.
Solution # 23 – REFRAMING
As per Wikipedia “Cognitive reframing is a psychological technique that consists of identifying and then disputing irrational or maladaptive thoughts. Reframing is a way of viewing and experiencing events, ideas, concepts and emotions to find more positive alternatives”
Reframing is also heavily used in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programing). Reframing mainly focus on shifting the perceptive from negative to positive. Based on whatever fear you face you can always use the reframing technique. In fact, in all the solutions what you are indirectly doing is reframing. But without labeling it as reframing might take long time. So knowing framing technique will help to get the positive outcome quickly.